Monday, October 18, 2010

i did it...

I may have crossed an invisible line. But I did it. I haucked a loogey. I am genuinely repulsed by this act. Inside, outside, male, female, discrete or not. I don't like it. I seem to have adapted well here. I still don't like it. But it makes sense. So, today as I was trying to wave a taxi down, I did it. Right there in the gutter. It seemed appropriate and it felt good.

And to top off my evening, my taxi driver was extra friendly. He kept saying my language is SO GOOD. Which, I have master the 6.5 phrases I am able to say. Typical questions about whether I'm a teacher and if I teach English. I asked about his wife and if he had kids. And his age of course. I was shocked to hear he was 50!He looked like he was in his late 30s. Then he started telling me my nose was big and that's how he knew I was American. Hahaha, what do you say to that? Thank you? You're right? You have a small nose? Then he commented on my language again. So, I told him he had good language too. Hahaha, he laughed and said his dialect is better than his standard. I believe it.

1 comment:

  1. your nose is beautiful :)
    Um, somehow I keep forgetting that our chat night is Tuesday evenings - it is because my small group meets that night and my mind is kind of scattered.
    SO, lets meet tomorrow evening! (or morning for you)
    I love you NEAL!
