Monday, March 14, 2011

a heavy heart

This week in class we are doing some discussion questions. The students bring in topics and I choose a couple for us to talk about.

The hot topic was the earthquake in Japan. Which I figured would be a buzzin subject. However, my heart fell when I read how some of the questions were asked; Do you think Japan deserved the earthquake? Do you think it is right for people to think Japan deserved the earthquake? I know the people of this country don't typically like Japan because of their sour past, but my heart was crushed and I just wanted to cry. Students gasped when I read off some of the questions. And then I was quickly annoyed by their false innocence. I have previously had conversations with some students about Japan. And most of them have said, "We hate Japan because of what they did to us." But it seems so unreasonable. And when I joined in some discussions, I heard things like, "I don't think the people of Japan deserved it, but the country deserved it." But I was thinking, "The people are the nation! The nation is the people!!!"

It just made me sad.

On a higher note, I taught some girls how to use air quotes :)

1 comment:

  1. That is intense.
    Good work with the air quotes!
    I too want a boy first! Justin wants a girl. We both are of course open to either for sure!
    You were in my dream last night!
