Friday, September 30, 2011

Favorite Things and Not So Favorite Things...

Sanfu is one of my favorite places. It's just fun to go to. There's a lot of trendy stuff. But when Fall starts, my favorite accessory is ALL over the place. Scarves!!!

In Sanfu, there is a whole wall of scarves. I love to go browse in my free time or when I need a pick-me-up.

And here is one of my not so favorite things. My phone cost about $50. Which isn't that bad. However, it's not the best quality. One of the do-hickeys broke off within 6 months. And ANYTIME I drop it, the back falls off and the battery falls out. Without fail. Most of the time, I pick up the pieces and put it together again and reset the date and time.

HOWEVER, things had a different outcome this time. I have heard of stories about people's phone falling in the toilet and gruesome details about retrieving it. That never had happened to me. Until today. HOWEVER, Asian toilets are a bit different. Instead of a toilet bowl, you have kind of a slide and deep hole. Where, essentially, there is no retrieving.

So, as I fatefully, rose from my squatting position, I dropped my phone. It all happened in slow motion. I knew I had to some how stop my phone from falling into the dark, stinky, abyss. I also knew the back was going to fall off and the battery would skid off somewhere. HOWEVER, I didn't want to touch gross floor. So, I waited to see what would happen. And sure enough, the back of my phone slid right into the squattie. Now, my phone is super ghetto.

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