Monday, May 23, 2011

Love and Lies


This week in class we discussed Love Languages. If you haven't heard of these before, I'll fill you in real quick. Some guy wrote this book about how people show and feel love through different things...

Quality Time
Physical Touch
Acts of Service
Words of Affirmation

Most students say they SHOW love with Acts of Service. Which I'm not entirely surprised. This culture tends to be more indirect than direct. But I would have thought Physical Touch would be high on the list. But it's not.

However, a surprising number said that they FEEL loved with Words of Affirmation and Quality Time. They thought Gifts are too materialistic and Acts of Service is more spiritual.

There was also a consensus that Gifts are the least important to everyone.

...and Lies

If the teacher was not looking, would you give the answer to a test to your friend?

Yes, they need my help. And I don't think it's cheating. I should help them.

Cheating is subjective. Or if they don't know, it's not cheating.

If 10 people were beating up 1 person, what would you do?

Call the police.
I don't think this would happen.
I should take care for my own safety first. I'm not strong enough to stop them all.

I must think about me first. Our world is good. It's not my responsibility to stop bad things from happening.

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

I would give everyone money.
I would make sure everyone has food.

The things of this world are more important. Physical need comes before spiritual need.

If you were God and had a message for your people or wanted to tell them about you, how would you do it?

I wouldn't do anything.
I would send some angels.
I would make them believe me.
I would use the media, like the internet, TV to tell them.

God is distant. God is a tyrant. God doesn't care. God is limited.

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